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Plus500US Futures Technologies

WhenTech Fill Service

Any CTS Customer Firm that wants to use the T4 API for WhenTech Markets order execution and WhenTech Fill Services must send an informal request. The request must come from the Customer Firm's T4 administrator or officer.

Upon recieving the request CTS support will add the WhenTech and WhenTechFills applications to the list of available applications in the Customer Firm Live environment.

WhenTech Markets:

Any WhenTech user that desires order execution via the T4 API must have a valid T4 User that has been assigned the WhenTech application and at least one T4 Trading account. This user and account setup is performed by the Customer Firm T4 administrator. Any existing T4 customer can be granted access to WhenTech by simply adding the WhenTech application to the existing user's applciation list. IMPORTANT: No WhenTech end user needs to be granted access to the WhenTechFills application directly. This application is dedicated to the WhenTech fill service described below.

Quick Configuration Details:

All the same setup as a normal T4 User.

Plus - WhenTech application added to the T4 User's application list.

WhenTech Fill Service:

If a firm would like to provide T4 API fills to their WhenTech end users they must provide WhenTech a T4 User which will be used by the WhenTech server side fill service for fill capture. WhenTech must run this service on their servers as they provide their customers with more in depth historical fill analysis then T4. T4 order book is limited to top day only. The service must run 24x6 in order to capture fills that occur when T4 end users arn't logged into WhenTech. A server side service is the best way to accomplish this.

Quick Configuration Details:

T4 User created

NO ROLES to be assigned - Specifically do not assign the Trading. This is a readonly user.

T4 Accounts who's fills need to be captured all need to be assigned to the T4 User.

a) Assign each account individually.


b) Simplify configuration and maintenence by assigning the Risk Manager roll to the fill service user. Again, no Trading role. IMPORTANT: This means that fills for all accounts this T4 User has access to will be captured by the WhenTech fill service. This is not much different then use of a firm wide iLink session for WhenTech iLink drop copy fill capture.


WhenTech & T4 end user trader in Ohio A has accounts 11111 & 22222

WhenTech & T4 end user trader in Idaho B has accounts 33333 & 44444

WhenTechFillUser running on a WhenTech server is then assigned 11111, 22222, 33333, 44444 (or granted the Risk Manager Role)

Trade how you want, where you want

T4.Support@plus500.com (312) 939 0164

2 Pierce Pl, Suite 200, Itasca, IL 60143

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